Those on Leopard made it a little bit further – 2011. Those of us on PowerPC Macs running Tiger were stranded by Safari in 2010. OmniWeb, of course, turns out to be a surprisingly current web browser, and better than that, one that still runs well under both Tiger and Leopard on PowerPC Macs.

I was therefore more than just a little surprised when my search for Gopher clients turned up repeated references to a program called OmniWeb, a previously unknown (to me anyway!) web browser that still runs on PowerPC Macs and apparently still supports the Gopher protocol natively. Until my research on Gopher clients it had been my assumption that not only was TenFourFox the best choice for a PPC web browser capable of navigating today’s web, it was also the ONLY choice. TenFourFox, along with its email counterpart TenFourBird, are excellent offerings that together have kept my PowerPC based Macs completely relevant even in the incredibly feature laden world of today’s internet.
Perhaps it did yours too, and so I am writing a brief post about it.įor some time now, the only game in town, where PowerPC Mac OS X web browsers are concerned, has been TenFourFox. Somehow, in the nearly nine years that I have been using Macs exclusively, this particular web browser has completely evaded my attention. Personally, I kinda' like it.While researching Gopher clients for my last two posts, I accidentally stumbled across a web browser for PowerPC Macs that I had not previously been aware of: OmniWeb. But if you haven't checked out Opera in a long time (I hadn't for several years, until this morning), it might be worth a look just to see what Opera has changed over the years. This functionality is mirrored in a number of extensions for other browsers, such as Google Browser Sync for Firefox. No longer do you have to keep your laptop and desktop updated manually to match each other, nor do you need to remember what that one site was from your Opera-enabled phone. This syncs all of your bookmarks with the server so that all versions of Opera have all the same stuff.
The major update to Opera is that it now carries a new feature: Opera Link. Opera's update isn't Mac-only, but for all versions of the browser-Mac, Windows, Linux, Mobile, Mini-you name it, Opera's got it. The second browser that got an update this week is Opera. Oh yeah, and OmniWeb 5.6 is Leopard-ready.
There's a 30-day demo for those of you who want to try it out, but otherwise the popular software runs for $14.95 new, with a $4.95 upgrade charge. The release notes for 5.6 provide all of the gory details for those interested. OmniWeb users can now also see inline PDFs (woohoo), spoof themselves as the iPhone's browser (useful for seeing iPhone-specific pages), and a new software update interface. There are a number of WebKit-related improvements too, including the use of the WebKit icon database, improved JavaScript and plug-in performance, and improved Flash performance. Most importantly, OmniWeb sports a new rendering engine thanks to being based on a new version of WebKit.

As noted by The Omni Mouth blog, users who have been running the sneak peeks may not be so impressed, but for everyone else, 5.6 brings a lot of welcome improvements. First, OmniWeb got a bump to version 5.6 yesterday. Two Mac browsers became update buddies this week, bringing much joy to the growing contingency of Mac users who don't belong to the Firefox and Safari clubs.