That link is for the unsupported legacy version that I already own, 1.4.5. Not sure if it's any better than this offering though. We do not have plans to offer an updated version of Liquid Rhythm as a separate product at this time, due to some technical challenges in product separation, though we may reconsider this in the future. Liquid Music's development branch will continue to see updates to ensure compatibility on the latest platforms. Liquid Music contains an updated version of Liquid Rhythm, 1.7.0, alongside a suite of harmonic tools to accompany your rhythm toolset. Your mileage may vary, though if you run into compatibility problems, we suggest giving Liquid Music 1.7.0 a try instead. Liquid Rhythm is not available as an AAX plugin, only as RTAS, meaning that Liquid Rhythm is not supported as a plugin in Pro Tools 11 and higher (though the Liquid Rhythm standalone application may be used in conjunction with a Pro Tools session). Liquid Rhythm 1.4.5 is compatible on macOS Catalina, though your usage compatibility may vary depending on the compatibility of your DAW(s), and may require further configuration for full compatibility please write into if you run into any issues. Liquid Rhythm 1.4.5 is not compatible on macOS Big Sur or on the Apple Silicon ARM64 chipset.

Liquid Rhythm 1.4.5 VST/AU plugins are, however, still compatible in Live 10 and 11. Liquid Rhythm 1.4.5 is not compatible with Ableton Live 10 Suite or Live 11 Suite as a Max For Live Device (AMXD). However, this version of Liquid Rhythm has not been maintained for compatibility on newer platforms, and depending on your configuration you may run into problems.
#Liquid music vs liquid rhythm upgrade#
NOTE TO CUSTOMERS: This software, Liquid Rhythm 1.4.5, is offered as a legacy product and/or introductory path into Liquid Music (with upgrade purchase path available).