local_attack_speed_+% for instance is applied on the weapon only
#Poe obliteration blade vortex mod
/!\ Be careful!!! local_ mod name means that the mods is applied on the stats of the items rather than the stats of your char. If you didn't noticed, // is used for comments. If an item matchs mods before the # and doesn't match the ones after, it will be sold to vendor. # is used to separate mods checked after item identification. Operators & and || are available, parenthesis are working. You can use different equipment categories as well, possible values: "Chest", "Shield", "Helm", "Ring", "Amulet", "Flask", "Weapon", "1Handed", "2Handed", "Gloves", "Boots", "Belt", "Map", "Jewel", "Talisman", "Card". About Key Rarity, only operators = and != can be used and possible values are: "Normal", "Magic", "Rare", "Unique". Please note that tag will ALWAYS make the bot identify item. Flags that can be iused are : ="true", = "true", = "true". Press F7 to dump inventory and find mod indexes. You can use a mod by its index (if it is not in the ModsList.txt file) this way = "value", ie. Key List: Type, ItemLevel, MapTier, Armor, Evasion, Energy Shield, Computed Armor, Computed Evasion, Computed Energy Shield, Rarity, Quality, Sockets, Linked, and all the mods found in ModsList.html file. Key could be replaced by any of the following list, operator could be =, =, and Value could be any corresponding value (ie. Expressions to the left are only here to help you choosing the right ones that will make the bot compute ONLY the physical dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie. that will make the bot compute ONLY the elemental dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie. that will make the bot compute the dps of any weapon and compare it to the value (ie.

= "Helm" # > "50", to keep every helm that has more than 50 sum up resistance value. that will make the bot sum all resistances on each item and compare them to the value (ie. There are several special mods here to make pickit maker's life easier: All uniques valued 1ex+ should be by default uncommented. All uniques should now be listed within the Pickit for easy commenting and uncommenting. local_minimum_added_physical_damage, base_maximum_energy_shield. You'll find the mods list in the ModsList.html file, in the main bot folder, remember to only use expressions from the right (ie. You'll find the item names list in the ItemNameList.txt file, in the main bot folder, if some name are missing, please send them to us in pm and I'll add them to upcoming versions.